Please don't forget that we are all supporting you at the back! Though it is very hard and makes you disappointed, please...please keep your spirit. We will all pray for you and hope you always stay with us!
姿琪's sharing was very true and trouching. Ngai Man, every single breath is a gift from God. For you, for me, and for all of us alike. Life is never something that we have control over. One thing I know... no matter what the circumstances are, God always loves you and me. Treasure what you have, prepare for the worst, aim... for the BEST! Keep it up!
9 則留言:
請您努力啊 !
波神, 你要努力呀, 儘管我唔能夠感受到你的痛楚, 但我實在佩服你面對逆境時的勇氣及態度.
聖誕到了, 我地有好多節目等你一齊玩, 仲有, 我地姊妹們陸陸續續嫁人啦, 我已經預左兩個位比你同你未來女友, 你要振作呀!!!
波神, 為家人和自己的生命奮鬥, 就是一件很有意義的事呀!!!!
我病重的時候, 也經常睡不穩, 你知道嗎? 失眠的人最怕驚失眠, 久不久看看過了多少時間仍未睡著, 忍受不舒服的感覺, 害怕睡著了就再不會醒..., 何況你忍受的是痛, 能支持下去就已經十分了不起, 說實話, 你的情況真的不是這樣樂觀, 我當時也一樣, 我的經驗是要有足夠的心理準備, 這樣每天醒來, 就不會有「不知可以捱到何時」的感覺, 而變成「我又可以多活一天了」, 我這樣不是捱過了嗎?! 奇蹟只會發生在堅持到最後的人身上, 你願意讓奇蹟發生在你身上嗎? 我相信你一定會! 堅持下去創造奇蹟, 不就是人活下來最有意義的事嗎?
Please don't forget that we are all supporting you at the back! Though it is very hard and makes you disappointed, please...please keep your spirit. We will all pray for you and hope you always stay with us!
姿琪's sharing was very true and trouching. Ngai Man, every single breath is a gift from God. For you, for me, and for all of us alike. Life is never something that we have control over. One thing I know... no matter what the circumstances are, God always loves you and me. Treasure what you have, prepare for the worst, aim... for the BEST! Keep it up!
Ng Sze Chung
波神, 加油呀!
We are all with you~
還記得嘛? 你堂姊的好友、其他朋友如姿琪...每一個都是 "活生生" 的例證。今天,你會因為上天突然給你的一個惡耗而感到絕望,但是明天當太陽再升起,誰知道它又會為你帶來什麼呢?
今晚聽見你的聲音,我真的覺得擔心和心痛。不過,過去的歲月裏我唔多唔少學會和明白了「苦樂存在主觀的心,不在客觀的事。」所以很想能夠和你分享這一點。言而千萬不要讓自己問 "點解/點解會是我 .." 不要令自己鑽牛角尖,不能自拔。可以的話在腦海裏請換上以下既說話:
文,無論身體再多唔舒服,路再有幾難行,請繼續你的微笑、開懷和樂天的心情。It definitely can help, rather than medicine. 你的生命比起很多人已經來得有意義、有價值,請繼續把它拉闊。
So please, please keep breathing ... for yourself and everyone supporting you.