

這兩天頭痛沒有再發生,不過腋下及右腹及背部很痛,尤其是晚上11時過後特別厲害。服食一般解熱鎮痛芋藥已無效,威院開的止痛藥含有10 mg Morphine,Sulphate PhEur, lactose, hydroxyethylcellulose, hypromellose, tetanium deoxide and iron oxide. 我見它盒上印有毒藥兩字,又不知自己的肝功能那麼差吃下去有沒有事,我應該吃這隻止痛藥嗎?

這兩晚我都是半躺半坐睡,這樣子腹部就不會被拉得很直,不過都是2-3小時起身一次。 我肺部到肚臍之間的肝位置之前都很硬是癌細胞,現在卻在肚皮跟硬的地方有點距離,這是否腹脹? 肚臍以下未見到明顯的突起。現在行路好像都很累,比以前的活力好像減了點。

9 則留言:

匿名 說...


匿名 說...

Hey you might try the following link. It would give you some information of the pills, which you are taking:
Or, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/vsearchfaq.html
Fill in the drug's / ingredient's name into the search box and click search.

BTW I am Nancy, also from TWGSS but we were not in the same class for once.

Add oil! Stay cool, hold tight and rest well!

匿名 說...



匿名 說...

I think the drug is alrite as Chi ki said. Not sure if u mean ascites. Anyway, it's sometimes difficult to ask the doctor everything in detail especially when he or she looks hostile or inpatient. But it's of paramont important to let the doctor know about ur problem as there can always have error on 'internet diagnosis'. So, talk to your doctor and ask anything u are in doubt. It's their duty and your right.

匿名 說...

If you are tired of 半躺睡, try to put a small cushion under knees / bending the knees when you sleep.

This may help to lessen the stretch in stomach and better blood circulation than 半躺睡.

潘藝文 說...


Unknown 說...

What you are taking is "morphine 10mg". All the other stuff is just inactive ingredients (to stablize the drug, etc.). How many tabs do you take per dose and how many times per day? It's a very low dose anyways. It's not harsh on your liver, the only concern is that it's broken down by your liver and then excreted by your kidneys. But you will know, if you are excessively sleepy ALL DAY (more than your baseline, and being sleepy, not tired), then you ac may be accumulating, but I don't think you are. If your liver enzymes are like 3x to 5x normal, then you start to worry about it slightly... nothing to worry now.

My oncology, transplant kids are on much higher higher IV doses, it's very safe, and it's the one that we have the most experience with. The most important thing, Ngai Man, is that you are comfortable. I know in Chinese culture, we try to take the least medicine as possible. However, don't let yourself suffer in pain, there are tons of evidence that if a patient is in pain, it can cause bad effects with cytokine release, etc. and make things worse. So, if you are not comfortable, (especially if the pain prevents you from having a good sleep) please do not hesitate to take it. Well, it says "poison" on the box so kids, your roommates or your family won't take it accidentally. The harm of not taking care of your pain is much much more than the side effects. So, don't worry. =)

潘藝文 說...

thx for your advice candace

Unknown 說...

Candace??? Hahaha... that's right, sorry, man... I'm using Candace and my combined account. This is Ng Sze Chung by the way... all the best with you, my friend. =)